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Best Practices for Quality Engineering



Digital businesses are characterized by their intrinsic ability of delivering quality application and provide flawless experience to the customers whenever they demand. The power lies in the hand of customers and there’s no bargain when it comes to Quality. Quality Engineering is evolving into a broader term that encompasses whole process spans the entire life cycle of the development of software, application or program. Transitioning from traditional QA to QE isn’t easy, and building a QE practice takes commitment from all the stakeholders. With QE, the focus shifts from traditional QA defect discovery to built-in quality through defect prevention.

Our eBook titled Best Practices for Quality Engineering presents a curated collection by expert QE teams around Core QA, Automated Testing and other facets. Read this eBook to discover where Quality is becoming a liability in your application development and how to use it for competitive advantage.

  • 6 Principles of Quality Engineering
  • Plant Quality Intelligence & Assurance Tree: Learn how Qentelli does Regression Testing
  • It is Automation, Not Automagic: Avoiding failures in Test Automation projects
  • Reimagining Test Automation in the age of Digital Transformation

You can’t achieve continuous QE testing until every member of the team takes personal responsibility for quality. It also helps to have a solid DevOps pipeline in place to help transform siloed ways of working.

Quality engineering transformation practices call for team-wide alignment. A delivery team might have a QE coach, a general practitioner who teaches developers quality testing methodologies. QE coaches need to be both highly technical and highly collaborative. They should work closely with a team of developers to review testing notes and teach them automation tools and techniques.

Best Practices for Quality Engineering
Digital businesses are characterized by their intrinsic ability of delivering quality application and provide flawless experience to the customers whenever they demand.


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