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Reimagining Managed Healthcare Plan with TED


Our client is a leading managed healthcare plan provider, committed to delivering high-quality, affordable healthcare solutions to its members. Established in 1989, they are at the forefront of shaping the future of healthcare delivery by leveraging evidence-based practices and technology to continuously improve care and deliver value-driven healthcare solutions.

Main Challenge:

Tracking multiple internal and external engineering teams

Business Vertical:

Managed Healthcare Plan



Size of the Firm:

400 employees



The primary challenge involved tracking multiple software development and integration projects managed by multiple development vendors. The organization faced difficulties in fostering collaboration, understanding the full project landscape, and efficiently scheduling meetings. Additionally, there was a significant issue with unwise spending, particularly in choosing incorrect server types and configurations, or scheduling them inappropriately, leading to inefficiency in resource allocation. Identifying effective vendors also presented a challenge, necessitating a solution that could streamline these processes and improve efficiency while saving expenses.


  • Fragmented data:

    Patient data often resides in various isolated systems across different healthcare providers, making it difficult to obtain a complete view of a patient's health history.

  • Compliance with Regulations:

    Healthcare data is subject to various privacy regulations like HIPAA, requiring the client to implement strict data security protocols and access controls. There was a constant threat of missing out on compliance.

  • Scalability Limitations Due to Legacy Systems:

    Legacy systems that the client was using were not able to handle increasing data volumes and user demands effectively.

  • Disjoint Systems:

    Many technology vendors in this area work on legacy tools. Integrating new technologies with older, outdated systems can be complex and expensive. Collecting data from all these tools in multiple formats was the problem that the client faced.



Solutions Proposed

TED’s comprehensive dashboarding feature helped the client manage and track all development projects, enhancing collaboration and project visibility. It featured standard templates for addressing industry-specific problems, and custom metrics for vendor comparison to ensure the best choices for the organization's needs.

While the ACM feature helped them navigate the complex compliance landscape with ease, reporting issues originating from legacy and disjoint systems were solved by TED’s connectors.

TED reimagined how the client approached their software development projects, fostering better collaboration, reducing unwise expenditures, and enhancing overall project management efficiency. It is designed as a multifaceted tool tailored for complex environments like healthcare IT management. It goes beyond just tracking project timelines and deliverables by offering a suite of features for deeper insights and enhanced management capabilities.


Firstly, custom metric creation allowed teams to define and monitor the specific parameters that matter most to their projects and objectives, enabling a tailored approach to project management and performance assessment. This could range from code quality metrics to deployment frequency, adapted to each team's focus.

The standard templates addressed common industry problems by providing predefined frameworks for recurring tasks or issues. This not only saved time but also ensured consistency and adherence to best practices across all development projects.

Lastly, the vendor comparison metrics simplified the process of evaluating and selecting third-party vendors and tools. By comparing vendors based on a set of metrics important to the organization, TED ensured that decisions were data-driven, leading to more effective and cost-efficient partnerships.

Overall, TED's comprehensive dashboard fostered a more collaborative, efficient, and informed software development environment, directly addressing the nuanced challenges faced by organizations like the client’s.


  • 38% 

    Reduction in Unwise 

  • 100% 

    HIPPA Compliance 

  • 30% 

    Improvement in Resource 
    Allocation Efficiency

  • 40% 

    Improvement in Time 
    to Market

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Reimagining Managed Healthcare Plan With TED