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Big Data & Analytics

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A mid-sized retail company specializing in consumer goods, blending online and offline retail experiences.

Business Vertical:



Inefficiencies in understanding customer behavior and managing inventory due to fragmented and underutilized data.


A robust Big Data & Analytics implementation to transform data into actionable business insights.


  • Data Collection and Integration: Aggregated data from point-of-sale systems, online shopping portals, customer feedback, and supply chain logistics.
  • Data Processing and Analysis: Utilized Apache Hadoop for large-scale data processing, complemented by machine learning algorithms in Apache Spark to extract customer behavior patterns and predict trends.
  • Insight Visualization and Reporting: Created interactive dashboards in Tableau, enabling business leaders to visualize data trends and make informed decisions.


big data and analytics


  • Strategic Data Alignment: Employed Talend and Apache Nifi to ensure data integrity and compatibility, aligning with business objectives.
  • Real-Time Analytics Implementation: Established a real-time data analytics framework using Apache Spark to respond swiftly to market changes.
  • User-Friendly Data Interaction: Chose Tableau for its user-centric design, enabling team members across RetailGenius to interact with data without needing technical expertise.


Tech Stack

  • tableau-logo
  • apache-spark-logo
  • hadoop-logo
  • apache-nifi-logo
  • talend-logo


  • 20%

    increase in sales year-on-year.

  • 15%

    improvement in customer retention rates.

  • 25%

    reduction in inventory carrying costs.

"The Big Data solution revolutionized how we leverage data, leading to marked improvements in sales and customer engagement." - CIO

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Big Data & Analytics
Big Data & Analytics
