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Life Sciences Firm Maximizing Efficiency, Quality, and Compliance Using TED


Streamlining the efforts of various software development teams working on various projects while ensuring HIPAA compliance through Automated Compliance Management (ACM).

Business Vertical:

Healthcare and Lifesciences

Main Challenge:

Value stream mapping without impeding 
day-to-day activities.




Size of the firm:




The client is a healthcare and life sciences firm that develops, manufactures, and markets specialized, proprietary medical devices. 

The firm owns multiple web and mobile applications to support various business functions ranging from supply chain management to order management and stakeholder communication to research & development. The applications are being developed and maintained by various software development teams both in-house and outsourced. The digital transformation team of the client was struggling to monitor and analyze the progress and patterns of the engineering efforts while ensuring the practices followed by all the teams are HIPAA friendly. 

They wanted to ensure that key stakeholders were aligned with the business objectives and key deliverables via value stream mapping without disturbing the day-to-day operations significantly.

Solutions Proposed

As we submitted a POC for TED, our value stream intelligence platform, the core transformation team including some of the key players of leadership team wanted a demonstration of the platform and the scope of customization. Designed to be a flexible SaaS offering, TED is completely customizable to different needs of teams and individuals in a software development ecosystem. 

So, we

  • Customized workflows to support the client’s processes.
  • Integrated the tools they use throughout SDLC to capture data in a single place.
  • Customized the dashboard to reflect the client’s reporting needs.
  • Set up HIPAA compliance management and created relevant checklists and assigned stakeholders.
  • Tweaked machine learning algorithms to perform data correlation and predict project outcomes.

TED is an AI-powered Value Stream Intelligence and ACM product that is geared towards helping Technology and Operational leaders align Business and IT goals all the while ensuring compliance checks are in place.


Solutions Proposed

What Qentelli Did

  • Detailed Analysis: We performed a thorough analysis of the client's existing software development lifecycle (SDLC) tools, processes, and workflows. This helped identify gaps and areas of improvement for Value Stream Management.
  • KPI and Metric Definition: Teaming up with the core transformation team of the client, we defined the scope of Value Stream Mapping. This involved identifying the critical success factors, key performance indicators (KPIs), and metrics that would drive the Value Stream Mapping. This involved establishing a baseline for each KPI and metric and setting target goals.
  • Change Management: We also implemented a change management plan to ensure a smooth transition to the new value stream management process. This involved training the software development teams on the new process and addressing any concerns or questions that arose.
  • Implementation: As we plugged in, TED started integrating with several SDLC tools, including Jira, GitHub, Jenkins, and SonarQube, and started to provide the client with real-time data-driven insights and predictive analytics. It served as an Automated Control Monitoring (ACM) platform enabling democracy of data to all the stakeholders of SDLC across the organization.
  • Handover: Once TED was implemented, we handed over the process to the client. They provided ongoing support to ensure that the client continued to receive the full benefits of the Automated Control Monitoring (ACM).

“TED enabled traceability and allowed us to perform deep and comparative analytics by bringing together the data from all our pipelines. It feels like we could’ve done so much more in much lesser time and with fewer resources if we had access to this business intelligence right from the beginning.”
- Patrick, Technical Delivery Head

Tech Stack

  • ted


  • 30%

    increased team productivity

  • 50%

    faster MTTR

  • 3X

    faster Deployment Frequency

  • 70%

    better Release Success Rate

  • 95%

    compliance adherence 
    (which used to be 72%)

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Life Sciences Firm Maximizing Efficiency, Quality, and Compliance Using TED