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Accelerating Digital Excellence with autoMagiQ


The bank aimed to deliver an exceptional customer experience, release flawless updates consistently, and reduce accumulated test debt. Nonetheless, it encountered numerous challenges in its testing procedures, contributing to delays in time-to-market, escalating costs, and increasing complexity:

Test Maintenance Cost: The financial burden of updating and maintaining test cases was weighing heavily on the bank’s efficiency and budget. This was further exacerbated by costs associated with test infrastructure, including test clouds or virtual devices.

Business Vertical:

Finance and Banking


United States of America

Size of the firm:

6,000 Employees

Main Challenge:

Increasing test maintenance costs and
unreliable test cloud



The bank aimed to deliver an exceptional customer experience, release flawless updates consistently, and reduce accumulated test debt. Nonetheless, it encountered numerous challenges in its testing procedures, contributing to delays in time-to-market, escalating costs, and increasing complexity:

  • Test Maintenance Cost: The financial burden of updating and maintaining test cases was weighing heavily on the bank’s efficiency and budget. This was further exacerbated by costs associated with test infrastructure, including test clouds or virtual devices.
  • Test Case Complexity: As the application evolved with the addition of new features, maintaining consistency and accuracy in test results became challenging. Frequent code modifications hindered swift issue identification and resolution.
  • Unreliable Test Cloud: The bank experienced disruptions in testing operations due to downtimes and device-related issues, compounded by the maintenance demands of these devices.
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Challenges: The bank found it resource-intensive to conduct RCA for test failures, detracting focus from product innovation.
  • Tool Integration Needs: Seamless integration with dashboarding and project management tools was crucial for effective collaboration across teams and clear communication with leadership.
  • Data Privacy Regulations: The bank faced unique testing challenges due to regulatory constraints on the use, movement, and analysis of critical banking data within U.S. borders.

Solutions Proposed


  • Test Maintenance Cost: Introduce a no-code platform for streamlined test case creation.
  • Test Case Complexity: Utilize lab capabilities to connect to various testing platforms.
  • Reliability on Test Cloud: Offer a no-code automation feature for scripting.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Support diverse testing types, including functional and API testing.
  • Tool Integration: Facilitate effective data manipulation, for both static testing data and dynamic retrieval from sources like the database repository.
  • Performance Testing and Infrastructure Costs: Provide a comprehensive library of testing methods and prioritize resource efficiency to reduce ongoing expenses, supplemented by a one-time device setup cost.
  • Data Privacy Regulations: Implement strategies and capabilities such as guaranteed lab uptime, predictive downtime insights, and resource-saving features to address regulatory challenges.




Qentelli’s approach, embodied through autoMagiQ, has yielded numerous benefits for the bank:

  • Enhanced Testing Efficiency: Accelerated testing cycles, reduced time-to-market for new features, and elevated customer satisfaction.
  • Streamlined Defect Analysis: Simplified RCA processes, leading to efficient issue identification and resolution, and smoother testing operations.
  • Reduced Maintenance Burden: A significant drop in the resources needed for testing infrastructure and device maintenance, enabling a focus on innovation and digital offerings enhancement. Reconciliation reports matched card transactions to expenses, flagging discrepancies for follow-up.
  • Proactive Downtime Management: Predictive insights on potential downtimes allow for preemptive issue resolution, ensuring seamless testing operations.
  • Optimized Resource Utilization: A resource-efficient approach leading to cost savings and a more effective use of available resources, maintaining cost-effectiveness and productivity in testing processes.
  • Flexibility in Deployment: The bank can choose between on-premise and SaaS solutions, catering to security, regulatory, and auditor recommendations.

These strategies and capabilities empower the bank to effectively meet the financial industry’s demands, optimizing their testing processes, ensuring reliability, and minimizing costs.


The implementation of the no-code model enabled the bank’s QA team to swiftly commence testing procedures. The bank has realized significant reductions in time-to-market, dependency on external manual testing resources, and has expanded its test coverage through autoMagiQ.

Statements from the Product Director: “With autoMagiQ, we have revolutionized our testing process. We can now execute tests overnight and optimize our device testing capabilities.”

  • 34%

    Reduction in 

  • 52%

    Decrease in Dependency on 
    External Manual Testing

  • 47%

    Reduction in 
    Test Execution Time

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Accelerating Digital Excellence with autoMagiQ